Avast, landlubbers! Climb aboard the ‘Worthy Vessel’ for this rollicking “nautical musical for grown-ups” with an original story, book, music, and lyrics by local songwriter Carmen Borgia.
SOUTH unfolds in the year 1860, somewhere to the north of South America but south of North America. Afloat on turbulent seas and piloting the eternally sinking merchant ship ‘Worthy’, a wandering young sailor named Wheeler searches for his long-lost mother who vanished years ago leaving behind nothing but a locket as a clue to her potential whereabouts. Thus begins a high seas odyssey during which we encounter the ship’s terrible cook and his innocent young daughter, a collector of religious artifacts of dubious provenance, thieves, whores, pirates, priests, traders, renegade nuns, drunken townspeople, and a whole island full of well-adjusted lesbian cannibals. A run-in with a caffeine dependent monk eventually brings the story full circle in a show bursting with high spirits, beautiful melodies, and Latin flavors that all point SOUTH!