Announcing Local Auditions for our 2023 Season

2023 Season Casting

Bridge Street Theatre will be holding auditions for its 2023 Season on
Sunday afternoon February 12 and
Monday evening February 13.

For auditions actors should prepare a brief monologue (under three minutes) from a contemporary play. Compensation for Equity actors is under a Special Appearance contract, currently $300/week, and for non-Equity actors $280/week. Onsite housing can be provided for actors living more that 50 miles away from the theatre.

If interested, please email a picture and resumé to and your preference for Sunday or Monday. We will email you with a proposed time-slot. Though we would prefer you attend an in-person audition, if you are unable to attend either day then let us know and we can arrange with you to submit a video.

Deadline for audition requests is February 10.

2023 Season Plays and Roles Available

RUDE MECHANICS by Eric Hissom (world premiere); Directed by Eric Hissom
London, January 1612. A theatre in the court of King James. At the eleventh hour, a spear-carrier in Shakespeare’s troupe is thrust into a major role and frantically rehearses for an imminent performance before the Court on a night fraught with political and romantic intrigue. A fast, funny, slyly anachronistic, and scarily relevant period comedy about the craziness (and the wonder) of trying to create theatre during a time of plague.

Rehearsals begin April 4; Performances Thurs-Sun April 20-30

Available Roles:

Julian Crosse: Mid 20s, an apprentice actor suddenly thrust into the role of Francis Flute, for a command performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” before the King and other dignitaries. He is madly in love with Rosemary.

Rosemary Bassanio: Late 20s, a talented writer and actress, desperately trying to penetrate the male-dominated theatre world. Super passionate, and slightly nuts. Beloved of Julian, but tormented by her feelings for Henry.

Henry Goodwyn: 30s, actor, writer, and activist, once renowned for his portrayal of young women, now cast as Bottom. Disillusioned with the commercial theatre, longing for more political potency. Bi-sexual, and in tumultuous, intermittent romances with both Rosemary and Shakespeare.

EAST OF BERLIN by Hannah Moscovitch (regional premiere); Directed by Margo Whitcomb
When the son of an escaped Nazi war criminal (still alive and living in Paraguay) and the American daughter of an Auschwitz survivor meet and fall in love in Berlin, what they chose to reveal and conceal from one another brings the past crashing down on them. Love, guilt, and recriminations mix in this theatrical gut-punch from the author of “Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes”.

Rehearsals begin May 9; Performances Thurs-Sun May 25-June 4

Available Roles:

Rudi: Male to play late teens to mid-30s. Very intelligent, but with a certain naivety. Actor must be comfortable being sexual onstage with a man and a woman.

Hermann: Male to play late teens to mid-30s. An esthete, an intellectual, and a homosexual. In love with Rudi. Actor must be comfortable being sexual onstage with a man.

Sarah: Female, 30s. American-born daughter of a Holocaust survivor. Speaks with a slight New York accent. Independent, self-possessed. Actor must be comfortable being sexual onstage with a man.

I AM BARBIE by Walton Beacham (regional premiere); Director TBD
It’s Barbie’s 60th Birthday (she still looks FABULOUS, by the way), and she spends it reminiscing about her countless careers, her relationship with Ken, and with other characters from her life including GI Joe, She-Ra, and her creators, Ruth Handler and Jack Ryan. A hilarious and surprisingly touching look at what it’s like being a Barbie Girl in a not-so-Barbie world.

Rehearsals begin August 15; Performances Thurs-Sunday August 31-September 10

Available roles:

A four to six person ensemble to play Barbie, Ken, Cowboy, She-Ra, Midge, Midge’s Mother, Dr. Freud, Skipper, Ruth Handler, Jack Ryan, GI Joe, Annette Funicello, Brittney Spears, Justin Timberlake (or perhaps Ryan Gosling), and others.

THE GLASS MENAGERIE by Tennessee Williams; Directed by Steven Patterson
One of a handful of undisputed American classics. Tennessee William’s poetically autobiographical memory play premiered in 1944 and catapulted its young author from obscurity into fame (and notoriety). We’re presenting Williams’ moving remembrance of family ties, lost dreams, and shattered illusions in its original version, with incidental music composed for the initial production by Paul Bowles.

Rehearsals begin September 19; Performances Thurs-Sun October 5-15

Available roles:

Amanda Wingfield: Laura and Tom’s mother. A once beautiful, proud, vivacious Southern woman, brought low by poverty. Amanda clings fervently to memories of a vanished, genteel past. She is simultaneously admirable, charming, pitiable, and laughable.

Tom Wingfield: Amanda’s son and Laura’s younger brother. An aspiring poet, Tom works at a shoe warehouse to support the family. He is frustrated by the numbing routine of his job and escapes from it through movies, literature, and alcohol.

Laura Wingfield: Amanda’s daughter and Tom’s older sister. Laura has a disfigured leg and walks with a limp. 23 years old and painfully shy, she has largely withdrawn from the outside world and devotes herself to old records and her collection of glass figurines.

Jim O’Connor: A former classmate of Tom and Laura. Jim was once a “golden boy” in high school but is now a shipping clerk at the same shoe warehouse in which Tom works. Still devoted to goals of professional achievement and ideals of personal success he may never achieve.

SYMPATHETIC MAGIC by Lanford Wilson; Directed by John Sowle

This late and little-known work by one of America’s most revered and beloved playwrights ponders the cosmic in the mundane in the story of a young astrophysicist who makes a potentially world-changing discovery at the same time his long-term companion, a sculptor on the verge of a brilliant career, discovers that she is pregnant with his child.

Rehearsals begin October 24; Performances Thurs-Sun November 9-19

Available Roles:

Ian Anderson (Andy): An astrophysicist, 30ish.

Don Walker: An Episcopal priest, 35. Gay, celibate, and very tall.

Barbara De Biers: A sculptor. Don’s half-sister.

Pauly Scott: A chorus master, soon to be 30. Don’s former partner.

Liz Barnard: Barbara and Don’s mother, a retired anthropologist, late 50s.

Sue Olmstead: Liz’s assistant, 24 or so, on leave from law school.

Mickey Picco: Andy’s co-worker, 30, a post-doc.

Carl Conklin White: 60s, head of Andy’s department.