Show, Tell, and Social DanceSaturday, January 29, 7 pm
Showing: 35 min
Break: 10 min
Lindy hop class: 30 min
Total Length: 1hr 15m
Description: On January 29, please join Jazz as Movement for a discussion with the artists and showing of in process work crafted over their 10-day residency at the Bridge Street Theatre. Following the performance, the audience is invited to stage to learn the basics of Lindy Hop taught by the featured artists.About the company: Jazz as Movement Directors Gaby Cook and Nathan Bugh will explore and develop new Lindy Hop and vernacular jazz choreographic works. Blending approaches from jazz structure, classical music and modern dance, this artist residency aims to push the bounds of Lindy Hop creativity and explore the style as a broad, versatile language of dance expression.
Cast: Nathan Bugh, Gaby Cook, Tyedric Hill, Candice Michelle Franklin, and Viktor Lillard