2024 Season


August 8 - August 18, 2024

GRISWOLD (First Full Production)
by Angela J. Davis
August 8 – August 18
, 2024.

Directed by M. Burke Walker
Sets and Lights by John Sowle
Costumes by Michelle Rogers
Production Stage Manager – Hannarose Manning

With Margo Whitcomb, Leyla Modirzadeh, Andre G. Brown

For a Video Teaser, CLICK HERE.
For Press Photos, CLICK HERE.

“A theatrically dynamic and stimulating new play … As played by Margo Whitcomb in a commanding and vibrant performance, Estelle Griswold emerges as a feisty, slyly witty, observant, smart, determined activist … Whitcomb is not alone in relating Griswold’s story. She is more than ably joined by a talented and resourceful duo — Leyla Modirzadeh and Andre G. Brown who, between them, play 23 characters with deftly applied whimsy, skill and, in the case of Brown’s portrayal of a young Texas man named Tyrone, wrenching power. ‘Griswold’ is far from an academic exercise. In its telling at Bridge Street Theatre, Davis’ play is a buoyant exercise in the art of theater and storytelling, in the full imaginative engagement of mind and matter.”  Jeffrey Borak, Berkshire Eagle  More… HERE or  HERE

“A mind-blowing, laugh out loud, heartbreaking history lesson that could amuse, enrage, and empower you simultaneously. It certainly had that effect on me and I would venture that the audience that gave it a spontaneous standing ovation at Sunday’s matinee felt similarly … A terrific performance of heroic proportions … An essential, rousing entertainment that will stimulate you mentally, emotionally, and civically.” Patrick White, Nippertown  More…

“Bridge Street Theatre’s ‘Griswold’ is a must-see! … Ms. Whitcomb delivers a dynamic performance. Onstage for the entire hour and forty minutes of the play she is a commanding personality mining laughs and touching sensitivities … A compelling production.” Macey Levin, Berkshire On Stage  More…

“Estelle Griswold is brought to vivid life at Bridge Street … The hour long heart of the work, about Griswold’s determination to overturn a law banning birth control in Connecticut set U.S. Supreme Court precedent that would underlie historic decisions from Roe v. Wade to the legalization of same-sex marriage, is both compelling drama and important history.”  Steve Barnes, Times Union  More…

“Little short of thrilling … If history and humanity are among your interests, this is definitely the play for you. If essentially wonderful acting is high on your list, I also recommend this play. If you want to be emotionally touched by a reiteration of facts, this play will do that. I guess it’s the play for just about everyone who likes good theater … Margo Whitcomb gives a brilliant performance. This is an ensemble that makes this nearly thirty-character play work so very well … In a political year where so many rights have come into question this is a most important play making statements that must not be ignored.”  J. Peter Bergman, Berkshire Edge  More…

GRISWOLD Facebook Comments

What an astounding production in every way possible! I was enthralled from moment one! The incredible tension and intelligence of the script, the most agile and powerful acting, the deft and subtle direction. Every moment moving both emotionally and intellectually! This play needs, deserves to be seen on Broadway, on tour and in numerous regional theaters across the country! Bravo to all involved! Bravo to Steven Patterson and John Sowle of Bridge Street Theatre!” Michael Garfield Levine

“I caught the matinee last Sunday, and I’ve gotta say, when I walked out of the theatre (wiping away tears!! Very me!!), I had to keep reminding myself that I hadn’t just seen the *real* Estelle Griswold onstage, but a performance so nuanced and full and emotional and funny and brimming with important history and cultural significance and heart… well, it was theatre doing what theatre does best!!! Bravo to all involved!!! Go go go!!!” Timothy Dunn

“GRISWOLD by Angela J. Davis, at Bridge Street Theatre in the Hudson Valley, is a powerful play for our time, delivered with the whip-snapping humor of the title character, fighting battles we unbelievably find ourselves fighting all over again 60 years later. I hope to see it move to NY and wider audiences. We were treated to a talkback with the playwright as well! (Reward for driving through torrential rains and tornadoes warnings to get there!)” Catherine Rust “Thank you for hosting this production. We were so affected by the playwright’s message and research, by the director’s talent and by the actor’s amazing performance. We hope that you continue to get standing room only.” Frank & Linda de Kort

“Thank you for presenting Griswold. I just got home and keep realizing what a brilliant show it was. Well produced, wonderfully acted, and deeply emotionally vibrant on so many different levels. I don’t know how they did it, but the actors had the full and complete attention of the audience all the way though. You know you are seeing something wonderful when you are so deeply engrossed in the story that you forget you are in an audience and feel as if you are there in the middle of it. The time just flew by. I didn’t want it to end. I am delighted to have discovered your theater, and will definitely be back for more.” Tam Kistler

“Quick overnight to Catskill, NY to see our dear friend Margo Whitcomb starring in a fabulous play about the life of Estelle Griswold of Planned Parenthood fame, a crucial heroine in Supreme Court cases that have increased freedoms for women over their own bodies, and have been used in other cases charting freedom for same-sex partners. ‘Griswold’ by Angela J. Davis couldn’t be a more timely play – please see it if you can , playing at the Bridge Street Theater in Catskill, NY thru August 18!” Marisa Brown Ludwig

“Went to this wonderful gem of a theater this eve for the first time. The performance by 3 very very talented people of " Griswold" was incredibly well done. I highly recommend it. Griswold is the story of Estelle Griswold , played so well by Margo Whitcomb, who fought hard for reproductive rights in the 60’s, it will only be there tomorrow at 2 and next weekend. Stellar performances by Layla Modirzadeh and Andre G. Brown as well. It is hard to believe people had to fight so hard for control of their own bodies, my Mom worked really hard as part of the movement and shocking to think that right is threatened now. Thank you, Estelle Griswold…RIP.” Wendy Dwyer

“Great theater comes to Catskill courtesy of Bridge Street Theatre. Terrific acting, writing and direction and timely subject matter about civil rights activist and feminist Estelle Griswold.” Anne Forbes Cooper

“Go see this!!! … Fantastic show! Thanks so much for producing!” Chris Foster

“Don’t miss ‘Griswold’ at Bridge Street Theatre. It’s a beautifully written, directed, and acted history of Planned Parenthood, the fight to legalize contraception, the right to privacy, and the true story of an indomitable woman. If that sounds dry, fear not; it's very funny, moving, and super interesting (and if you or someone you know isn’t sure how to vote in November, ‘Griswold oughta clear things up for you).” Nina Sklansky

“I just saw a dress rehearsal of GRISWOLD at Bridge Street Theater – amazing play, great cast – go see it. The play tells the story of Estelle Griswold, The Griswold of the Supreme Court case Griswold v Connecticut. Funny, moving, and disturbingly relevant.” Suzanne Bernstein

“Spectacular performance. Powerful … How wonderful it is to have this extraordinary talent here in Catskill.” Tom Illari

“GRISWOLD…Another amazing production tonight at the BRIDGE STREET THEATRE.” Ronnie McCue

“It’s AMAZING!” Johanna D’Aleo

“Saw it loved it.” Flo Hayle

“Wonderful play … A must see. I learned a lot, I am embarrassed to say. I am not the only one who learned a lot.” Debra Kelsey

“Great theater, important material that the playwright has so effectively crafted. Go see it now and you can say you saw it before it was a Broadway show or a movie.” Hudson Talbott

“Wonderful. Learned so much! Marvelous acting.” Sharon Van Dyke

It’s 1960. America is on the eve of a sexual revolution, and an improbable but unstoppable 60-year-old woman, Estelle Griswold, decides to challenge the late 19th century Connecticut law that criminalized contraception. Angela J. Davis’ timely new play, GRISWOLD, is a moving, humorous, and thrillingly theatrical look at Estelle Griswold’s initially frustrated but ultimately successful legal challenge that did nothing less than change the course of modern American history.

As the Executive Director of Planned Parenthood New Haven, Estelle Griswold had to contend with an antiquated law, an unmovable state legislature, and a board of directors afraid to rock the boat, all while dealing with her husband’s deteriorating health. Her first two legal challenges met with failure.  She got back up every time. The third challenge (following her own arrest!) hangs in the balance as ghosts from the past fight it out over legal principles and popular superstition. The Supreme Court’s decision, establishing a right of privacy in intimate, personal relationships, became foundational in many subsequent decisions, up to and including the decision legalizing same-sex marriage.

Estelle is a self-taught, forward-thinking woman starting a new job at the age of 60. She makes a mean martini and is unafraid of ruffling feathers. Margo Whitcomb plays her with compassion and a wicked sense of irony, while Leyla Modirzadeh and Andre G. Brown take on the 20-plus characters that Estelle contends with (and is inspired by) along the way. These include P. T. Barnum, birth control pioneers Katharine McCormick and Dr. Hilda Standish, Planned Parenthood staffers and Board members, lawyers, judges, protestors, police officers, as well as two contemporaries who together embody the extraordinary reach of Estelle’s legacy. The play personalizes and dissects a debate of great historical (and present-day) consequence with humor and humanity, transforming Estelle’s personal and legal battle into a provocative, highly theatrical, time-traveling saga for three accomplished actors.

GRISWOLD is the winner of the 2022 ‘A is for’ Playwriting Prize (affiliated with Broadway Acts for Women and Broadway Cares), and the Playhouse Creatures 2022 Rodriguez Award. The play has previously received readings at Middlebury Acting Company’s American Dreaming New Works Festival (with Ms. Whitcomb as Estelle Griswold), at NYC’s Cooper Union (co-produced by Playhouse Creatures and A is For with five-time Academy Award nominee Annette Benning as Estelle), and at the Playground Theatre in London (with Emmy Award winner and two-time Tony nominee Martha Plimpton in the title role).


Margo Whitcomb (Estelle Griswold). This is Margo’s third “rodeo” with Bridge Street having previously directed Hannah Moscovitch’s Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes and East of Berlin (“Outstanding Production,” Berkshire Theatre Critics Association).  Since then, she has directed the critic’s pick Hundred Days by The Bengsons and Sarah Gaucher (MACO) and Imogen Says Nothing at the University of Vermont where she also teaches acting. A more frequent director and educator these days, acting returns Margo to her roots where her love of theatre (and training) first bloomed. She was last on stage in the premiere staged reading of Griswold for the Middlebury Company Playwright’s Festival, as Anne Hathaway in the one woman show Shakespeare’s Will (Lost Nation Theater) and as Mariah in Twelfth Night (Wyoming Shakespeare Festival). Next up, she plays Charlotta in The Cherry Orchard at Middlebury Acting Company. Margo is thrilled to excavate this fascinating and pioneering woman’s story – which, like too many others – has remained silent and invisible. We are ALL Estelle’s descendants, offspring of the victories made and rights won by Estelle and countless others. There has never been a more important moment to acknowledge such histories – ACT and VOTE! Thanks to Angela, Steve, John, and Burke for premiering Griswold.

Leyla Modirzadeh* (Actor 1) was most recently seen as Roya in the second iteration of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize winning play English at Speakeasy Stage in Boston.  Leyla has collaborated with Obie Award winning theatre artist Ping Chong for over 25 years on projects as performer, co-writer, and director. Her one person shows, Lubbock or Leave It! and Together Tea, have also had successful national tours. Professional acting credits include shows at Lincoln Center, A Contemporary Theatre, The Group Theatre, The Kennedy Center, Wisdom Bridge Theatre, La Mama ETC and New York Theatre Workshop. She has also enjoyed teaching acting at institutions including at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco, SUNY New Paltz, and UC Berkeley.

Andre G. Brown* (Actor 2). Debut: Bridge Street Theatre. Selected credits: King Hedley ll (A Noise Within) Midsummer Nights Dream (Pittsburgh Public), Choir Boy (Dezart Performs), Blues for an Alabama Sky (Playmakers), Afterwords (5th Avenue Theatre), The Mountaintop (AAPAC Albuquerque, Garry Marshall), Wine in the Wilderness (EgoPo), Milk Like Sugar (ArtsWest), And In This Corner Cassius Clay (Seattle Children’s Theatre), Hooded: Or Being Black for Dummies (Theatre Battery), F*cking A (UW), Hoodoo Love (Sound Theatre). Currently Andre is completing a feature length documentary titled A Soul Cleansing (Instagram: @asoulcleansing). Education: M.F.A., University of Washington and M.A. New York University. 

Angela J. Davis (Playwright) is the author of the multi-award winning AGATHE (2024 World Premiere –
London, Playground Theatre), The Spanish Prayer Book (The Road Theatre Company 2019-20 season; L.A. Times Best Bet, “a literate meditation on the boundaries of art and social responsibility”), Clara and Serra and the Talking Bear (commissioned and produced in audio format by Antaeus Theatre Company), among other plays. Recent work presented/forthcoming at The Playground Theatre (London), Orlando Shakespeare Festival, Playhouse Creatures (NYC), Playhouse on the Square, The Landing Theatre, Antaeus Theatre Company, Chameleon Theatre Circle, HRC Showcase, The Road Theatre Company, The Blank Theatre, Theatre In the Raw (Vancouver), The Dayton Playhouse and elsewhere. Playwriting honors include: A is For Playwriting Prize, Playhouse Creatures (NYC) Emerging Playwrights Celebration Winner (twice), Marsha A. Croyle Award for Achievement in Playwriting, Henley Rose Playwriting Award, Jane Chambers Award top-four finalist, Eugene O’Neill semi-finalist (four times). Degrees from Stanford and UCLA; member of Dramatists Guild, PEN America, and the Antaeus Theatre Company Playwrights Lab. More at: AngelaJDavis.com

M. Burke Walker (Director) spent most of his professional career in the NW as the founder and artistic director of Seattle’s Empty Space Theater.  He has guest directed widely:  Seattle Rep (Born Yesterday, A Delicate Balance); Act Theatre (Miss Witherspoon, Crimes of the Heart); The Village Theatre (Bus Stop, Noises Off); Berkeley Rep (Hedda Gabler, The Normal Heart); ART/Portland (Take Me Out); Delaware Theatre Co. (Of Mice and Men); Syracuse Stage (Stones in his Pockets, Doubt, The Beauty Queen of Lenane); Merrimack Rep (The Weir); American Stage Festival (Artichoke); and Milwaukee Rep (The Crucible).  Notable Empty Space productions:  Killer Joe; Etta Jenks; The Puppetmaster of Lodz; The Workroom; Mensch Meier; The Rocky Horror Show; K2; Fefu and Her Friends; American Buffalo; A Prayer for my Daughter; and Emily Mann’s Execution of Justice, about the assassination of Harvey Milk.  With Empty Space, he conceived and directed the earliest production of Smokey Joe’s Café. Acting: at West of Lenin (Seattle) he directed himself in Samuel Beckett’s La Derniere Bande (Krapp’s Last Tape). NYC directing credits: Ensemble Studio Theater, American Academy of Dramatic Arts (AADA), and Origin Theater.  He lives in Manhattan with his longtime partner and best friend, Carol Skyrm.

*Members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United State.